Pages tagged "Infrastructure"
More Funding for Thomas Road Upgrade
Posted on Latest News by Andrew Hastie · October 05, 2020 4:53 PMRoads in Serpentine Jarrahdale are set to benefit from a new $1.5 billion Australian Government infrastructure package that will provide an injection into the economy and bring jobs back online.
Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie said getting shovels in the ground on local construction projects was important for maintaining jobs and economic growth in the Peel region.
“Every single job that we support makes a huge difference in local communities – now and as we navigate out of the pandemic,” Mr Hastie said.
“Of the different projects benefiting WA, the most significant for our region is a major upgrade to Thomas Road, between Nicholson Rd and the Kwinana Freeway.
“An additional kilometre of Thomas Road will be duplicated, along with the construction of a new roundabout. The remaining single carriageway of this section of road will also be upgraded. All this is in addition to the upgrade that was committed to last year at the Nicholson Road intersection.
“These new upgrades will cost $8 million; the cost being shared 50:50 by the state and federal governments.”
“Around 19,000 vehicles travel along Thomas Road every day, including a lot of heavy freight. Anyone who has travelled along this stretch of road knows how dangerous it can be – accidents happen far too frequently. So this upgrade is a very welcome development for our community.”
“Construction is expected to begin late 2020 and be completed by late 2021. It will support around 125 direct and indirect jobs during construction.”
“These types of infrastructure projects will be also particularly crucial for helping us bounce back after the COVID-19 crisis has ended.”
- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the new package would fund shovel-ready infrastructure projects that can support local jobs immediately.
- “This funding will deliver critical infrastructure projects right across the country to help keep construction businesses running and people in jobs,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
- “$1 billion of this package will fund projects that can get underway now and over the next six months, to give an immediate boost to the economy and local jobs – right at the time we need it.
“The Government has already announced $500 million for local governments to support projects such as road safety improvements, maintaining community infrastructure and increasing accessibility.
“This is part of our $100 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline, which is laying the foundations of a financial bridge to recovery on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis.”
“These types of infrastructure projects will be particularly crucial for helping us bounce back after the COVID-19 crisis has ended by ensuring we have the safe transport connections needed for all of Australia to keep moving.
$1.1 Billion Boost for Transport Infrastructure
Posted on Latest News by Andrew Hastie · October 05, 2020 3:41 PMA number of roads in Canning will be upgraded as part of the Federal Government's $1.1 billion investment in transport infrastructure as part of our COVID-19 economic recovery.
Upgrades will be made to the Albany Highway between Williams and Kelmscott and the Hotham River Bridge, as well as the Kwinana Freeway and Mandjoogoordap Drive in Mandurah.
29 kilometres of pavement will be rehabilitated on the Albany Highway, upgrading sections of road that have been subject to regular pavement failures. The Hotham River Bridge will be replaced with a new concrete structure, built to current width and barrier standards.
This staged program will also replace existing flexible and semi-flexible safety barriers with rigid concrete barriers. This includes the design, supply and installation of approximately 65km of continuously formed concrete barriers, including along the Kwinana Freeway, and Mandjoogoordap Drive.
The latest funding injection builds on a series of statewide infrastructure investments from the Commonwealth in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic which now total nearly $1.3 billion.
“This investment will mean safer roads for regional Western Australia,” Member for Canning Andrew Hastie said. “It’s also an important part of the Commonwealth Government’s response in mapping out WA’’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Tuesday’s Federal Budget would deliver funding for infrastructure which supports the Government’s JobMaker plan and help Western Australia recover from COVID-19.
“We have been working closely with state and territory governments to invest in the infrastructure that is ready to go and can help rebuild our economy and create more jobs,” the Prime Minister said.
"These projects will keep commuters safe on the road, get people home to their loved ones sooner and provide better transport links for urban and regional communities.”
“As part of the COVID-19 economic recovery plan we have invested an additional $1.3 billion focused on shovel-ready projects across the state.
“This latest investment will provide another boost to the local economy and is part of our plan to support an estimated 6,800 direct and indirect jobs across the state.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Government is focused on delivering priorities and boosting local jobs as part of Australia’s road to recovery.
“We will draw on local businesses to stimulate local economies through these projects,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“Infrastructure means jobs, it means livelihoods, it means stronger local communities and it means building a better and more secure future for our nation.”
Thomas Road - Major Upgrade Confirmed
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · June 21, 2020 12:00 PM$1.5 BILLION INFRASTRUCTURE STIMULUS TO DRIVE RECOVERY IN CANNING
Major Upgrade to Thomas Road Funded
A new $1.5 billion Australian Government infrastructure package will provide an injection into the economy and bring jobs back online to help stem the impact of COVID-19.
Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie said getting shovels in the ground on local construction projects was important for maintaining jobs and economic growth in the Peel region.
“Every single job that we support makes a huge difference in local communities – now and as we navigate out of the pandemic,” Mr Hastie said.
“Of the projects benefitting WA, the most significant for our region is a major upgrade to Thomas Road, between Nicholson Rd and the Kwinana Freeway.”
“An additional kilometre of Thomas Road will be duplicated near the Kwinana Freeway, along with the construction of a new roundabout. The remaining single carriageway of this section of road will also be upgraded.”
“These new upgrades will cost $8 million; the cost being shared 50:50 by the state and federal governments.”
“All this is in addition to the upgrade we committed to last year at the Nicholson Road intersection, which is also half funded by the federal government.”
“Around 19,000 vehicles travel along Thomas Road every day, including a lot of heavy freight. Anyone who has travelled along this stretch of road knows how dangerous it can be – accidents happen far too frequently.
So this upgrade is a very welcome development for our community.
“Infrastructure projects like this crucial for helping us bounce back after the COVID-19 crisis has ended."
“Construction is expected to begin late 2020 and be completed by late 2021. It will support around 125 direct and indirect jobs during construction.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the new package would fund shovel-ready infrastructure projects that can support local jobs immediately.
“This funding will deliver critical infrastructure projects right across the country to help keep construction businesses running and people in jobs,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“$1 billion of this package will fund projects that can get underway now and over the next six months, to give an immediate boost to the economy and local jobs – right at the time we need it.
“We will work together with the states and territories to deliver these job-creating priority projects, building on our unprecedented cooperation to date through the National Cabinet of States and Territories.”
“The package also includes a $500 million Targeted Road Safety Works initiative for states and territories to deliver smaller but critical projects to improve road safety and bolster the resilience of our local road networks.
“The Government has already announced $500 million for local governments to support projects such as road safety improvements, maintaining community infrastructure and increasing accessibility.
“This is part of our $100 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline, which is laying the foundations of a financial bridge to recovery on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis.”
Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said the $1.5 billion package, combined with the additional funding to local governments, is expected to support up to 12,000 direct and indirect jobs by creating new local opportunities and securing existing positions.
“This package will support thousands of jobs across our national construction sector, which we know is facing many challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis,” Mr Tudge said.
“This includes local governments as well, who will receive funding to deliver targeted projects in their area.
“We will continue to work across governments and in partnership with industry to ensure the safety of all Australians while they deliver our pipeline of critical infrastructure projects.”
$10 Million for Lakelands Train Station
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · March 09, 2019 9:29 AMThe Morrison Government will be getting the people of Mandurah home sooner and safer with an additional $10 million to build the Lakelands train station.
Mr. Hastie has championed the construction of a train station in Lakelands since the promise of one was first brought to his attention by residents in 2016. It will be the second station in the City of Mandurah and fill a 23km gap in the Mandurah rail line.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the important thing was that people would be spending less time on the road and more time with their loved ones.
“That is why we are investing in public transport infrastructure and that will make a real difference to people living in fast-growing suburbs,” the Prime Minister said.
”This will help families and businesses get back valuable time.”
Mr Hastie said the $10 million toward Lakelands train station came in addition to the $2 million delivered last year by the Liberals for the station’s business case. It will be used in the early works of the station’s construction.
“Lakelands residents first raised the prospect of building a train station with me while I was door knocking the neighborhood in 2016. They explained that the promise of a train station had been included in the suburb’s development proposal. Many bought their first home or chose to retire in Lakelands because of that promise, some as long ago as 2006.”
“A train station in Lakelands means that residents from the north of Mandurah won’t have to travel south by car before catching a train north to the city. That will mean fewer cars clogging up our roads and less pressure on the Mandurah train station car park.”
“It will also mean easier access to more jobs and services for the people of Lakelands.”
“We are committing $10 million today because this project needs leadership. WA Labor have ignored the people of Lakelands and refused to commit to the station. The Morrison Government is putting money on the table to get things started.
“This train station is a priority for the Morrison Government because it is a priority for the people of Lakelands.”
Roleystone Pavilion Win
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · December 18, 2018 10:00 AMTen years of hard work by two sporting clubs in Roleystone has paid off, thanks to assistance from the Morrison Government.
Minister for Sport Senator Bridget McKenzie will join Member for Canning Andrew Hastie in Roleystone today to announce a $500,000 grant for the construction of a new pavilion for the Roleystone Karragullen Cricket Club and Roleystone Netball Club.
Andrew Hastie has worked hard to secure funding for the Pavilion, raising the project in Parliament, writing to the Minister and personally meeting with her to argue the merits of the project.
“The passion and the initiative cricket and netball clubs makes this project a very worthy recipient of significant federal funding. Both clubs play an important role in the Roleystone community
Over the past 10 years the cricket club alone has raised $250,000 toward a better building.
Post by hastieandrew. -
Better Roads and Rail for Canning
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · April 27, 2018 12:00 PMToday the Prime Minister joined me in Mandurah to announce $824 million of federal funding to build three vital infrastructure projects for Canning. This is a major investment into our region.
This is the culmination of many years of effort. We will extend and upgrade the Tonkin Highway, build Lakelands Train Station and give Byford locals access to rail.
These projects will transform the Peel Region in the best possible way. Thank you for signing my petitions, voicing your concerns, and telling your stories. Time and again, you have strengthened the case I've made in Canberra.
Over half a billion dollars will improve and extend the Tonkin Highway southward into the heart of the Peel region. This will put Peel on the map, bringing more jobs and streamlining access to Canning. I’m happy to announce the hard work has paid off.
The Tonkin Highway and Thomas Road intersection has become a severe bottleneck and safety hazard, causing heavy congestion to spill out onto many adjoining local roads. This chokes industrial growth and puts lives at risk. The new extension will connect Tonkin to the South Western Highway, south of Mundijong Road. It will enable free flowing traffic, and improve the safety of many local roads in SJ.
If you’re a FIFO worker an area like Pinjarra, North Dandalup or Greenfields, shorter commutes will mean more time at home with loved ones. The Tonkin Highway Extension will give you a direct route to the airport.
John Mitchell, owner and operator of Mitchell’s Livestock Transport, moves over 500,000 cattle across 1,500 pick-up and delivery locations across Australia. Instead of using a patchwork of main streets and country roads that are unsuitable for heavy haulage, John will soon have access to a newly created North-South corridor.
This is also great news for businessmen like Ron Bell, too. Ron built his business, Bells Engines, from scratch into a big operation with a global market. Although he’d like to expand while remaining local, a growing number of hurdles have forced him to consider leaving the Peel region.
The new Tonkin Highway extension is exactly what Ron and John need: better road access that will support their businesses.
A further $241 million will extend the Armadale line to Byford. This is big news. Byford is the fastest growing local government area in Australia. If you live locally, the train will provide easy access to employment in Perth and beyond.
Serpentine-Jarrahdale has undergone serious change over the past 10 years. I acknowledge the anxiety some feel about how the train line may impact our region. I’ll be following the project closely, to ensure the local community isn’t left behind.
This morning the Prime Minister confirmed funding that will get the ball rolling on the Lakelands Train Station. Lakelands residents have been waiting over a decade for this to happen. In that time, the Lakelands population has tripled. $2 million has been allocated to develop the business case, and further funding has been set aside for the station's construction.
We've fought hard for this infrastructure funding. This is a game changer for our region - thank you for your support.
Road Upgrades to Save Lives in Canning
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · April 18, 2018 5:30 PMResidents of Canning have received a major boost to road safety, with the Coalition Government set to invest over $1,270,000 to upgrade problem roads under the 2018-19 Black Spot Program.
The money will be spent to upgrade roads in Roleystone, Serpentine and Pinjarra.
Road upgrades
Karnup Road, Serpentine, between Walker and Hopeland Road. Upgrades will include the widening and sealing of shoulders; the installation of edge lines, signs and delineation; and the removal of roadside hazards and obstructions.
Kingsbury Drive, Serpentine, between the South Western Highway and Mayara Road. Development will include the sealing of shoulders to 1m, the removal of hazards, and the installation of audible edge lines, guideposts and signs.
Croyden Road, Roleystone, between Brookton Highway and the Gardiner Road and Redtail Lane intersection. This will include the widening and sealing of shoulders, the installation of edge lines, signs and delineation, and the removal of roadside hazards and obstructions.
Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra. Installation of a roundabout on the intersection of Murray Street and Pinjarra Road.
Andrew Hastie said improving transport infrastructure was one of his key priorities.
“In many parts of Canning road maintenance and development has not kept up with the rise in population.
"I know many people are concerned about the quality of local roads frequently used by heavy transport. These upgrades will help handle the increased traffic and improve road safety.
“None of these projects would be delivered without the community’s vital input, and I’d encourage all residents and motorists in the region to nominate projects for future funding rounds.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack said reducing fatalities and serious injuries on our roads was a key focus of his role as infrastructure minister.
“Accidents on our roads cost Australian’s approximately $30 billion per year – let alone the pain borne by families and friends who have lost loved ones,” Mr McCormack said.
“On average, Black Spot projects reduce the number of crashes causing death and injury by 30 per cent, making it one of the most effective road safety measures the Australian Government has at its disposal.
“The Coalition Government has extended the Black Spot Program and is providing $60 million per year from 2021-22 onwards, building on the current $684.5 million investment from 2013-14 to 2020-21.
For more information, or to make a nomination, visit http://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/funding/blackspots/
New Performing Arts Centre at Foundation Christian College
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · April 10, 2018 10:27 AMStudents and staff at Foundation Christian College in Greenfields will have full use of a new theatre and performing arts centre thanks to $750,000 in Capital Grant funding from the Turnbull Government.
Mr Hastie officially opened the new facility today on behalf of the Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham
“It’s an honour to open Foundation Christian College’s new performing arts facilities,” Mr Hastie said
“Every year I run the Canning Shakespeare Competition for high school students to encourage them to embrace the arts and challenge themselves.
Peel needs self-confident and culturally-confident young people, and these facilities will ensure the students of Foundation Christian College have the opportunities to develop their skills.
And who knows, the future winners of the Canning Shakespeare Competition might just come from Foundation Christian College,” said Andrew Hastie.
Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said in addition to funding for projects like the Foundation Theatre and Performing Arts Centre, the Turnbull Government was also delivering a new funding system to ensure every student gets the resources they need.
“We’re overhauling Australia’s schools funding system and boosting investment to Foundation Christian College from around $9607 per student this year to about $13,802 over the next decade. The changes ensure students with the greatest needs get the greatest level of resources,” Minister Birmingham said.
“We know that funding and buildings alone don’t make a great school, so we’ve asked a panel of education experts led by David Gonski to recommend how schools can best use the extra resources we’re delivering to boost student outcomes.”
“Families and teachers can see exactly what our $25.3 billion funding boost means for their local schools by visiting our funding estimator at www.education.gov.au/qualityschoolsand they can learn more about our quality reforms.
Extend Tonkin, Boost the Region
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · March 28, 2018 6:13 AMToday I made the case in Parliament for the extension of the Tonkin Highway to Lakes Road.
Extending the Tonkin makes sense for so many reasons. I explained to the House how the highway's current terminus is choking the Peel Region's roads, and holding back our local economy.
Extending the Highway will make our communities safer and more prosperous. You can read or watch my speech to parliament below.
I rise today to further advocate for the extension of the Tonkin Highway in my electorate of Canning. The Tonkin Highway was first laid in 1980 and since then has been extended both north and south. In 2005 its southern extension was complete, terminating the highway at Thomas Road in the shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
Since that time the population of the shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has more than doubled. With many more motorists on the road, the Tonkin Highway/Thomas Road intersection has become a severe bottleneck, causing heavy congestion to spill out onto many adjoining local roads. It forces existing heavy haulage trucks onto local roads networks, impacting their safety and capacity. And with its terminus at the northern end of the shire boundary, the Tonkin Highway in its current form is restricting industrial growth and the development of the local economy.
No-one understands this issue better than John Mitchell, owner and operator of Mitchell's Livestock Transport. In any given year, Mitchell's is responsible for moving over 500,000 cattle across 1,500 pick-up and delivery locations across Australia. With his business based out of Waroona in the southern end of Canning, John has an intimate knowledge of the road network in the Peel region and beyond and how it could be improved.
At present, any of John's trucks driving through Perth from the Great Southern and beyond have to use one of the following east-west links to get to the freeway and out to Kwinana: South West Highway and Armadale Road, Thomas Road, Mundijong Road, Karnup Road, Lakes Road, Pinjarra Road and Greenlands Road. Most of these links are main streets and country roads running through the Peel region. They are unsuitable for heavy transport like John's, because the roads are either already heavily congested, are dangerous to navigate by virtue of their topography or act as the main streets in local communities.
And even if they do use these roads, the trucks still need a north-south corridor. The only current options are the Kwinana and Mitchell freeways, but these are even more heavily congested. In fact, yesterday Infrastructure Australia released its national report noting that congestion on the freeways will increasingly result in nationally significant losses to productivity.
There is an obvious solution. Extending the Tonkin Highway from Thomas Road down to Lakes Road would solve a number of these problems.
First and foremost, it would allow heavy haulage to travel along an interior pathway, reducing the number of big trucks on the freeways.
It would strengthen north-south and east-west links in Perth and Western Australia as well as provide an opportunity to create better transport routes between the east and west coasts of Australia.
It would cut down the number of trucks currently passing along local roads and through communities, such as the Byford CBD, which is rapidly growing.
It would improve heavy haulage access and also provide a significant boost to the local economy.
The Tonkin Highway extension would create the right conditions for industrial growth in places like the West Mundijong industrial park. The Tonkin Highway extension is vital for the long-term future of Serpentine Jarrahdale and indeed the whole Peel region. We need to prioritise this project as one that will encourage local development and growth.
Funding for New Facilities at Austin Cove
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · March 09, 2018 3:41 PMStudents and staff at Austin Cove Baptist College will have full use of a practical skills building thanks to a contribution of more than $1 million from the Coalition Government.
Canning MP Andrew Hastie officially opened the new facility today on behalf of the Minister for Education and Training, Simon Birmingham
“It was great to visit Austin Cove Baptist College to see the new facilities firsthand,” Mr Hastie said. “Austin Cove is driven by a dedicated community of teachers and parents. This is just the latest addition to a growing school that is passionate about providing the best possible education for its students.”
The Coalition Government delivered funding under its Capital Grants Program, which provides funding for non-government schools to improve capital infrastructure where they otherwise may not have sufficient funding.
The block includes science laboratories, a science preparation area, technical skills rooms, staff rooms and stores. Mr Hastie said the whole school community would benefit from these new facilities.
“The Australian Government is committed to putting science, technology, engineering and mathematics at the heart of school education. This building will help deliver that. It will also enable students explore a trade that would help meet Australia’s skills shortage.”
“It’s critical to our nation’s future that we get more students involved in all these subjects.”
The Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham said the Government was committed to funding the best possible education for all Australian youth. The Quality Schools package will deliver a funding increase of $442.1 million to independent schools in Western Australia between now and 2027. This represents an average per student increase of 5.9 per cent each year, over the next four years.
“The Australian Government is committed to improving the quality of our schools and equipping students with the skills they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.”
For more information on the Quality Schools reform package visit: www.education.gov.au/qualityschools