Pages tagged "Lakelands"
$10 Million for Lakelands Train Station
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · March 09, 2019 9:29 AMThe Morrison Government will be getting the people of Mandurah home sooner and safer with an additional $10 million to build the Lakelands train station.
Mr. Hastie has championed the construction of a train station in Lakelands since the promise of one was first brought to his attention by residents in 2016. It will be the second station in the City of Mandurah and fill a 23km gap in the Mandurah rail line.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the important thing was that people would be spending less time on the road and more time with their loved ones.
“That is why we are investing in public transport infrastructure and that will make a real difference to people living in fast-growing suburbs,” the Prime Minister said.
”This will help families and businesses get back valuable time.”
Mr Hastie said the $10 million toward Lakelands train station came in addition to the $2 million delivered last year by the Liberals for the station’s business case. It will be used in the early works of the station’s construction.
“Lakelands residents first raised the prospect of building a train station with me while I was door knocking the neighborhood in 2016. They explained that the promise of a train station had been included in the suburb’s development proposal. Many bought their first home or chose to retire in Lakelands because of that promise, some as long ago as 2006.”
“A train station in Lakelands means that residents from the north of Mandurah won’t have to travel south by car before catching a train north to the city. That will mean fewer cars clogging up our roads and less pressure on the Mandurah train station car park.”
“It will also mean easier access to more jobs and services for the people of Lakelands.”
“We are committing $10 million today because this project needs leadership. WA Labor have ignored the people of Lakelands and refused to commit to the station. The Morrison Government is putting money on the table to get things started.
“This train station is a priority for the Morrison Government because it is a priority for the people of Lakelands.”
Lakelands Train Running Late
Posted on Latest News by T Hastie · July 26, 2017 7:34 AMMember for Canning Andrew Hastie has continued to fight for a train station in Lakelands, saying that the State Government needs to come alongside the community, local council and federal government to deliver the long overdue infrastructure.
On Monday Mr Hastie was joined by Assistant Minister for Cities Angus Taylor in Mandurah. Together they met with local council representatives and developers to discuss the funding options with the Commonwealth Government.
“Lakelands has seen huge growth in the past decade, with the suburb tripling in population. A train station has always been part of the plans and I’ve spoken to people who bought into the suburb on the understanding that one would be built there,” Mr Hastie said.
“It’s a decade on and still nothing has happened.
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