Delivering Support for Bedfordale Bushfire Brigade
Member for Canning Andrew Hastie has delivered $5000 for the Bedfordale Bushfire Brigade, to assist volunteers reach emergencies faster.
The grant, facilitated through the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Program, will be used to install permanent lockers at the Brigade for the secure storage of Personal Protective Equipment. Before now volunteers have had to either keep this equipment –packs of over 20kg– with them at all times, or collect it from home before responding to a call out. The lockers will increase the speed by which the brigade can attend to emergencies.
“The Bedfordale Bushfire Brigade is made possible by 70 volunteers who perform an important service to keep their community safe. I thank them for the work they’re doing and I’m pleased to deliver this grant to assist them in the task.”
Post by hastieandrew.
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