URGENT: Time For Action At Peel Health Campus

For the people of Canning, especially those of us living in Mandurah, our local hospital is at the heart of our healthcare.

But, day after day, we read headlines about record high ambulance ramping at Peel Health Campus, with critically ill patients waiting in ambulances because there are no beds in the emergency department.

For nearly eight years, WA Labor have been promising to fix the hospital.

It's now urgent that they do their job.

You can help me show the WA Labor Government that the people of Mandurah and the Peel Region are not to be taken for granted.

If you agree the time for talk is over, please sign below.

Andrew Hastie 
Your Federal Member for Canning


5,136 signatures

WA Labor, the people of Canning trusted you to fix the Peel Health Campus.

Butsince you were elected in 2017the problems have only grown worse.

Now we're running out of time.

Ambulance ramping now threatens the lives of patients. So far, in 2024, Peel residents have spent the equivalent of nearly five months waiting in ambulances outside of the hospital seeking medical attention.

This is completely unacceptable.

Please stop delaying and fix our hospital.

The more locals who add their name, the more pressure we can put on the State Government to act.

Our lives are at stake.

Will you sign?