Regional Growth Fund Delivers for the Peel Region
The Shire of Murray has been invited to submit Full Business Cases for the construction of the Peel Business Park and the Peel Agri-Innovation Precinct under the Australian Government’s highly anticipated $272.2 million Regional Growth Fund.
The Australian Government is planning to invest $21.75 million in Stage 1 of the Shire’s project, which is estimated to deliver $11.3 million of economic activity and deliver 36 jobs during construction.
“Stage 1 will include the subdivision and ground preparation for the Peel Business Park; construction of the microgrid and battery storage that will help power the Park; and construction of the research and development facility,” Mr Hastie said.
Andrew Hastie said this is exciting news for the region given the highly competitive nature of the grant, which saw more than 300 applications received from state and territory governments, local governments, businesses and not-for-profit organisations.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for our region. The Peel Business Park and the Peel Agri-Innovation Hub will focus food production, processing and distribution in the Peel region, creating efficient industries that will boost the local economy and drive jobs growth,” Mr Hastie said.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Regional Growth Fund provides grants of $10 million or more for major transformational projects that support long-term economic growth and create regional jobs.
“The Regional Growth Fund will unlock economic opportunities across regional Australia and we know that when the regions are strong, so too is our nation,” Mr McCormack said.
To find out more about the Regional Growth Fund, click here.
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