$200,000 Towards the New Waroona Men's Shed
A new facility specifically to support men in the Waroona district will be built with the help of funding announced under round two of the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects Stream.
The Waroona Community Men’s Shed project will receive $200,000 from the Coalition Government to help build new the facility.
The project will include construction of a 42m x 18m shed including connection of water, plumbing and electrical connections, full fit-out and perimeter fencing.
Once completed, the new Men’s Shed will create a space for local men to work, socialise, support each other and serve the wider community. It is expected that construction of the Waroona Men’s Shed will create 32 jobs during delivery and one ongoing position in the local community.
"The Waroona Men’s Shed is a cherished institution. It’s a meeting place where local men look out for one another and stand together to serve their community."
Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government John McVeigh said the project will deliver significant economic and social benefits to the community,
"Under round two of the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects stream, the Coalition Government is investing well over $200 million in 136 projects with a total project value of $459 million."
This means, in each successful community much anticipated local projects, like the Waroona Men's Shed, are receiving the funds needed to take a big idea and make it a reality.
It’s all part of the Coalition Government’s plan to create more jobs, drive economic growth and build stronger regional communities across Australia.
A further $200 million was announced in the 2018 Budget for a third round of the Building Better Regions Fund - a clear indication of the Coalition Government’s commitment to create jobs, drive economic growth and build stronger regional communities into the future.
The second round of the Building Better Regions Fund, which includes the Community Investment stream and the Infrastructure Projects stream, is expected to create up to 10,000 jobs from over 240 projects.
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