Coolup Community Hall Renovations Delivered
The Coolup community celebrated the completion of its community hall roofing project on Sunday, built in partnership between the Coolup Progress Association and the Morrison Government.
The need for a roof over the Coolup Community Hall’s alfresco area was first identified in 2016 by the Coolup Progress Association. Then in 2018, the Association approached Member for Canning Andrew Hastie for assistance. Mr Hastie supported their application for a $15,000 Stronger Communities grant from the Morrison Government.
On Sunday Mr Hastie joined the Coolup community for a long table lunch under the new roof to celebrate the completed project.
“I commend the Coolup Progress Association’s initiative to improve their local community,” Mr Hastie said. “They identified the problem, secured partial funding and approached the Morrison government for matching support, which we were happy provide.
“The Coolup Community Hall has hosted district’s celebrations and social life for many years. This renovation will ensure it is fit for purpose for many years to come. It was a pleasure to celebrate that with them on Sunday.”
“The Coolup Progress Association wish to convey a huge thankyou and appreciation for the support of Member for Canning Andrew Hastie and the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Grant,” said Bev Alexander, Secretary of the Coolup Progress Association.
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