Media Release: Hastie Welcomes Lakelands Station
Wednesday 3 May 2023
Canning MP Andrew Hastie is welcoming news the Lakelands Train Station will open in June and congratulates the Mandurah community for its years of fearless advocacy for the project, despite the long-standing opposition and criticism from Labor.
The station, which was championed by residents after being promised before the construction of the Mandurah Train Line, was made possible with $64 million secured by Mr Hastie under the former Coalition government.
It was only after a significant grassroots community campaign that the McGowan Government, which was pushing for a station to be built in Karnup instead of Lakelands, agreed to prioritise Mandurah locals.
Mr Hastie said the success in securing the project showed just how powerful local residents could be when they join forces and refuse to give up.
“I first heard about this issue from locals when door-knocking in north Mandurah in 2016,” he said.
“People were just so angry that Labor wasn’t listening and they felt ignored by their local Labor MPs.
“The community won’t forget that Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming every step of the way.
“I’m proud we got this done together.”
Mr Hastie said that for years Mandurah MP David Templeman had sat across from Premier Mark McGowan at the Cabinet table without delivering a single dollar in funding for the Lakelands station.
“Let’s not forget that transport minister Rita Saffioti said funding Lakelands was ‘embarrassing’ and ‘out of tune’, while Labor front-bencher Paul Papalia called it a station ‘no one needs’,” the Canning MP said.
“What’s ‘embarrassing’ is Ms Saffioti turning up for photo opportunities after fighting so hard against this project.
“They were forced to come to the table when Lakelands residents, backed by my delivery of 80 per cent of the station from federal funds, refused to give in.
“Labor didn’t want it—you and I fought for it—together we delivered.”
Lakelands Station will be the second in the City of Mandurah and will fill a 23km gap in the Mandurah rail line.
“The opening of Lakelands will mean residents from the north of Mandurah won’t have to travel south before travelling north anymore,” Mr Hastie said.
“Many residents have told me how they chose to make Lakelands their home in part because the development would include a local train station.
“Some residents have waited decades for it to arrive.”
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