Men’s Sheds Grants Now Open
Men’s Sheds across Canning are invited to apply for funding under the newest round of the Morrison Government’s National Men’s Shed Development Programme.
Round 21 of the Men’s Shed Programme will prioritise applications with a strong health, wellbeing or safety emphasis, in light of COVID-19 and the needs of Sheds in the recovery period.
Additionally, IT equipment and training will be prioritised to facilitate increased connectivity for Sheds.
Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie welcomed the announcement from the Federal Government.
“Men’s Sheds make an important contribution to the health and wellbeing of our region,” Mr Hastie said.
“Funding will give Sheds in Canning the opportunity to upgrade their equipment facilities. This will help them become safer for members and an even more useful asset for their community.”
“I encourage all local Sheds to apply.”
Men’s Sheds can apply for financial support across the following funding categories:
- Category 1: Health, Wellbeing, and Events $8,000 maximum
- Category 2: Shed Improvements $8,000 maximum
- Category 3: Equipment $5,000 maximum
Minister for Health, Greg Hunt MP added: “Men’s Sheds are vital in providing a safe space for men to talk and work on meaningful projects.”
“This new funding round will provide financial support to assist in both setting up and maintaining Men’s Sheds across Australia.”
Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government, Mark Coulton MP said Sheds play a vital role in regional Australia.
“In many parts of regional Australia, local Men’s Sheds are fast becoming one of the most important regional organisations, one where members make connections and serve their community.
“This new grant round means more funding for Sheds and local communities.”
Since 2013, the Coalition Government has provided $5.4 million to support men’s sheds across Australia.
Applications for the current funding round close Friday 27 November. For more information, visit https://mensshed.org
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