Extending Battery Backup for Local Mobile Towers
Mobile base stations in Waroona and Dwellingup will be upgraded under the Morrison Government’s new $18 million Mobile Hardening Program.
Under this initiative the Waroona North and Dwellingup South towers will have their battery back-up upgraded to keep operating for a minimum of 12 hours in the event of a power outage or natural disaster such as bushfire.
Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie said reliable mobile service is essential for rural areas, especially in the event of emergencies.
“Both Waroona and Dwellingup are prone to natural disasters. As we know, the Yarloop fires in January 2016 took two lives and destroyed over 160 homes,” Mr Hastie said.
“Through the Mobile Hardening Program, residents will have access to mobile service even if the power goes out or a disaster happens.”
“I’m proud that the Morrison Government is investing in the safety of the Waroona and Dwellingup communities.”
Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, said telecommunications, including mobile phone towers, need reliable power sources to operate.
“Telecommunications - including mobile phone towers - rely on power to operate. This investment will allow mobile phone towers to keep operating for at least 12 hours after the power goes out, making a real difference for communities during and after a natural disaster,” Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP said.
The Government is providing a total of $13.2 million to Telstra, Optus and TPG to extend the battery back up at 467 mobile phone towers across Australia, under stage one of the Program.
More information on the program is available on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website.
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