Parliamentary Speech: PHC Delays... Again!
This coming March, it will be six years in government for Premier Mark McGowan. In the month that he was elected in 2017, ambulances were ramped for just 6.9 hours at Peel Health Campus. Six years later, ambulances are ramped out the front of our hospital for more than 601 hours, or over 20 hours a day—a new record. It's a disaster for WA Labor. Ambulances are ramped around the clock, and nurses are underpaid and overworked. Now the Premier delays vital upgrades to the Peel Health Campus, in my electorate. Why has Labor failed so badly? Mark McGowan should be ashamed of the state of our hospitals.
The people of the Peel region trusted Mark McGowan to fix our hospital, like he promised. They elected three Labor state members, but where are they now? David Templeman has been our local MP for 20 years. Why is he not standing up for our community? What is the point of being a state cabinet minister if you can't get the job done? Where is Robyn Clarke? She loves a good sod turning—she's even got her own shovel—but we're yet to see any action on the hospital. And where is Lisa Munday, an ex-paramedic who promised to fight for our community and yet is silent on this issue? Time and again, Labor have proved that they will always put the residents of my electorate last. Our community deserves better. Premier, do your job and deliver the upgrades for the hospital, because people are asking after six years: what has changed under WA Labor? The answer is 'nothing'.
You can find the video of my speech here.
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