Parliamentary Speech: Peel Health Campus State Candidates

Federation Chamber on Tuesday 25 June 2024

Check against delivery

Mr HASTIE (Canning) (13:54): I've risen 11 times in this place to urge Labor to fix my local hospital, the Peel Health Campus. That's how serious this matter is to people in my region. It's a matter of life and death. But how seriously does Labor take it? How many times have the Prime Minister or health minister spoken about this hospital? Zero—that's how many times. That's how much those opposite care about the people of Mandurah, Dawesville, Pinjarra and the wider Peel region.

There are three state Labor MPs representing the people in the hospital's catchment area. Mandurah MP David Templeman is a cabinet minister, but he can't tie his own shoelaces. Dawesville MP Lisa Munday argues that hospital ramping doesn't really exist. Tell that to the patients who have waited thousands of hours for a hospital bed. And I don't think Murray-Wellington MP Robyn Clarke has ever made health a priority.

But there is good news: Help is on the way. The next state election is on 8 March 2025, just over the horizon. In Dawesville, Owen Mulder is standing for the Liberals. In Murray-Wellington, local shire president David Bolt has put up his hand to run for the party. Both are good local candidates who will fight for a better hospital. These hardworking locals are fighting for their communities. They will fight for a better health system and they'll do everything they can to make sure they win government and remove this hapless Cook government in Western Australia.

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