$12 Million Delivered to Preserve Peel Environment
Regional communities across the nation have received a significant boost from the Morrison Government, with the announcement of 195 new projects to be delivered under its $450 million Regional Land Partnerships program.
In the Peel Region $12 million will be invested through the Peel Harvey Catchment Council for:
- The restoration and reduction of threats to the ecological character of the Peel-Yalgorup Ramsar Wetlands
- Improving and protecting the condition of soil, biodiversity and vegetation in the Peel-Harvey region through engagement with farmers on land management practices
- Improving the condition of threatened Banksia Woodlands ecological communities
- Stabilising and improving the trajectory of a threatened numbat species in Dryandra
“The Peel Region is a beautiful part of the world and a fantastic place to raise a family,” Mr Hastie said.
“This investment by the Morrison Government - the 5th biggest nationally under the Regional Landcare Program - will help keep it that way”.
“The best results always come from partnering with local communities. This funding allows the Peel Harvey Catchment Council to deliver these important services.”
Natural resource management groups across the country will receive funding to deliver the new phase of projects, harnessing local knowledge and expertise to deliver real outcomes in their communities.
These projects will focus on recovering vulnerable ecological communities, protecting threatened species, and reducing threats to our globally significant wetlands.
Additionally, the Regional Land Partnerships include sustainable agricultural projects to improve soil quality, assisting farmers to respond to evolving market demands.
The Regional Land Partnerships is a core component of the Government’s $1 billion investment under Phase 2 of its National Landcare Program.
Minister for the Environment, Melissa Price, said the 195 projects had been targeted to achieve the best value for money, allowing natural resource management groups to protect their local environment.
“Of the investment under this program, $170 million will help protect and recover Australia’s threatened species and ecological communities.
“We’re funding projects that will work towards restoring and managing identified threats to 24 globally-recognised Ramsar wetlands, and reducing threats to seven World Heritage areas across the country.”
“It has been encouraging to see our delivery partners actively leading the way by focusing their efforts on regional and local projects that align with our national priorities, such as improving the prospects of plants and animals listed under our Threatened Species Strategy.”
Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said $70 million of the fund would go into sustainable agriculture projects.
“The projects bring good environmental and farming practices together to benefit both nature and agriculture,” Minister Littleproud said.
“This project will boost farm productivity while improving habitat for native animals.
“We’ve also renewed funding for Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitators to get the most out of these projects.”
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