$10 Million to Improve Thomas Road
The Morrison Government has listened to the people of Serpentine Jarrahdale and invested $10 million to fix one of WA’s most dangerous intersections.
The intersection of Thomas Road and Nicholson Road was the site of more than 57 accidents between 2011 and 2016. It has been flagged by RAC as one of top ten most dangerous intersections in WA for several years.
Last year locals approached Andrew Hastie about the intersection and said they were concerned the state and local governments weren’t doing enough to address the issue, so he took the case up in Canberra.
“Last year I met with the Deputy Prime Minister in his role as the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development to talk about Thomas Road. He was shocked at the number of accidents happening at the Thomas-Nicholson Road intersection and promised to look into funding options.”
“This funding will be used to upgrade the intersection, making it safer and saving lives.”
“It’s committed in the budget and doesn’t depend on the election – this upgrade will happen.”
“The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s population has more than doubled since 2006, from 12,000 to 26,000. It's expected to reach over 32,000 people this year. In Byford more than 4,000 new homes were built between 2006 and 2016. We have high-density housing where dairy farms once stood and we have high-frequency traffic on country roads. This intersection was badly impacted by that increased traffic.”
“This is just the start. There are other intersections along Thomas Road that need upgrading and I will be working hard to make it happen.”
There are unique circumstances about the site which make it an expensive intersection to upgrade. The Federal Government will now with Main Roads WA to facilitate the upgrade.
The funding comes as part of the Morrison Government’s additional $1.6 billion investment announced this week for critical infrastructure across Perth and regional Western Australia.
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