Media Release: FIFO Albo Neglects Peel Region
Wednesday 1 February 2023
Federal Member for Canning, the Hon Andrew Hastie MP, has slammed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for flying in and out of WA to announce seven new urgent care clinics, but nothing for the Peel Region.
Designed to take pressure of emergency departments, Mr Albanese unveiled funding for new clinics in places like Joondalup, Rockingham, Bunbury and Broome.
But residents in Mandurah and the Peel Region will go without, despite record Ambulance ramping and a health crisis that is threatening lives.
"Labor has let this community down," Mr Hastie said.
"At the most recent federal and state elections, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Mark McGowan promised to fix our hospital.
"But the problems are only growing worse on their watch.
"We expect more than lip-service and incompetence."
This comes on the back of a damming report in yesterday’s The Australian newspaper, stating that the Peel Health Campus was found to be the seventh worst hospital on a list of hundreds of hospitals across the nation.
The report states that – across Western Australia – less than 23 per cent of the patients at emergency departments were treated in the targeted 30 minutes.
The Peel Health Campus fared even worse, with only one out of five emergency patients treated on time.
Mr Hastie pointed to comments made in the article by AMA President, Mr Steve Robson, who said, “ ...at what point does this ring alarm bells for the governments.
“Ultimately this is not about statistics, this is about people and people's lives. Emergency departments have gone from being places of comfort to in some cases, places of horror for patients."
Mr Hastie said, “Our local hospital is at the heart of our healthcare, especially for those of us living in Mandurah. And for nearly six years, we have been let down by a state Labor Government that has failed to deliver,” Mr Hastie said.
“The people of the Peel region trusted Mark McGowan to fix our hospital like he promised. They elected three state Labor members, but where are they now?”
“David Templeman has been our local MP for 20-years, why is he not standing up for our community? He is completely ineffective as a long-standing cabinet minister. Where is Robyn Clarke? And where is Lisa Munday - an ex-paramedic who promised to fight for our community yet has stayed silent on this issue?”
“Enough is enough – the people of the Peel region deserve better. It is now urgent that the Premier does his job.”
Over 1000 people have signed Mr Hastie’s petition calling for urgent action at the Peel Health Campus, which can be found here.
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