Roleystone Pavilion Win

Ten years of hard work by two sporting clubs in Roleystone has paid off, thanks to assistance from the Morrison Government.

Minister for Sport Senator Bridget McKenzie will join Member for Canning Andrew Hastie in Roleystone today to announce a $500,000 grant for the construction of a new pavilion for the Roleystone Karragullen Cricket Club and Roleystone Netball Club.

Andrew Hastie has worked hard to secure funding for the Pavilion, raising the project in Parliament, writing to the Minister and personally meeting with her to argue the merits of the project.

“The passion and the initiative cricket and netball clubs makes this project a very worthy recipient of significant federal funding. Both clubs play an important role in the Roleystone community

Over the past 10 years the cricket club alone has raised $250,000 toward a better building.